4619 W 156th Cleveland Ohio Income-Sale Results

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This property represents a lot of our investors results. Let's look at the 3 1/2 year deal on this home.

This property always had excellent tenants that paid their lease. The first tenant stayed in this home for approx 30 months and the second tenant stayed 12 months (the owner wanted to sell the home). We added just $9000 to the rehab and sold this home in 16 Days. Let's look at the approx numbers on the sale. The owner had approx $105.000 in the property and so the net profit after the sale of the home was approx $40,000. Let's look at the approx Numbers $34,827 IN RENT Deposited in their account. The approx total is $74,827 on this one home that generated excellent tenants and returns. The rate of return is approx 23% on this home. Need Income Real Estate that actually creates Wealth? Call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Fathom Realty or WhatsApp me

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