29107 Fuller Wickcliffe Ohio Income Results


This property was purchased in April 2023 For $100,000. It was a unique home that did not have a basement but the location was Excellent. We added $17,500 to the rehab and had a total of Approx $117,500

The property was leased in May 2023 for $1350 a month.

Let's look at the Approx Numbers on this property

Lease $1350 Tax $207 Insurance $60 P/M $125 Net $958 X 12 Months $11,496

In May 2024 the lease was lifted $50 a month here is the new lease numbers

Lease $1400 Tax $207 Insurance $60 P/M $125 Net $1,008 X 3 Months $3,324

Approx Rent Collected $14,820 in 15 months 1 Tenant

Approx Value $175,000

Better Properties Exceptional Results

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