1620 Harwick Lyndhurst Ohio Income Results

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This property was purchased for $84,000 in July of 2018. Let's see how this property has done since then. Rehab was $3200 to get this one up to rent

We leased this home in August 2018 in just 10 Days Approx 2018 Numbers Rent $1300 Tax $300 Insurance $60 Property Management $125 net $815 Those tenants stayed until Sept 2020 and was leased again in 7 Days Approx 2020 Numbers Rent $1300 Tax $300 Insurance $60 Property Management $125 net $815 These tenants stayed Dec 2022 and we leased it again for $1400 in 6 Days January 2023 Approx 2023 Numbers Rent $1400 Tax $300 Insurance $60 Property Management $125 net $915 This client is making excellent consistent income with this property while it also goes up in equity Today this home is worth in the $200,000 area. This client has $100,000 equity in this home with all the repairs. You also need to add the income on this property from 2018. Approx Gross income with little repairs is Over $42,000..........Quality properties generate more consistent income and more equity to create wealth. Homes are less headache and more consistent income purchased in certain locations. Need good consistent income and equity that can create wealth? Call me (Brett) 216-703-5740 Key Realty and Property Management

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